Friday, 19 October 2012

My interview

I got interviwed aboiut my film. And in it We got some really good shots of my Treatmenat which is almost completed. It also helped talking about it for it made me come to terms with the reality that even though I am making a film about my ex doesn't mean she's coming back and it's over. The interview was quite therapeutic and made it clear that it is just  with cameras and actors and not me reliving my past. I find it hard filming and writing about this but I feel that my subconscious is the director and telling me what to do. The interview in my head is still going on I keep asking my self what 'happened next?' It's quite cool because even though it is very emtionaly straining I feel as if it is going to conclude with me walking out with a good grade and Chloe free thoughts and fantasies. I feel that it is going from an idea and turning into an actual object of creativity. For the interview we used a panasonic DSLR we used various shots such as paning tilts and Close ups (CU) And the editing technique of title heading and fade in text.

We also used cut aways, which are conventional for interviews.

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