Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Short Film Audiences

Who watches short films?

How do they watch them? Cinema, festivals, online, TV, DVD, etc Which is the most common source?

Most people consume short films through film festivals, television and the internet. It is very rare for a cinema to show a short film for it would not bring enough revenue. For they appeal to a very niche market.  Most people tend to watch short films on the well known video website Youtube, Future Shorts, BBC Film Network and Short of the Week.

What are the most popular short films?

In terms of audience, are they male/female? Educated? Film makers/fans? Social class/status?

The audience usually is, in social terms, middle class (A - C1). They are usually fanatics about films and they are interested in making or producing short films. In some cases, they are already in the business of making them. If they are viewing the shorts online it means they are educated in the networks and are knowledgeable of how to access them, they are media literate. - info here

From your research about short film audiences, who would be the audience for your short film?

I searched 'popular short films' on 'Google' and came across a short film Finite which focusses on some on my chosen themes - loss, love and memories of a relationship, which is reason for me to believe that my short film 'BOOST' is giving the mass audience what they want to see.  I am targeting 15 to early and late twenties that have probably experienced this situation and are stereotypically craving love and they may also think that no one in the world as ever felt this immense pain before so for them to see a character that has hit rockbottom may emotionally educate them as well. As the 'Finite' made me realise just now that break ups  happen to everyone and hurts everyone just as much and I hope to give this message to the people who will watch this film learn as well. 

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